Students working together on computers.

Start a Student Organization

Key considerations when starting a student organization.


All organizations wishing to receive financial support, use premises, or have a stand must register in one or more places. All organizations should register with the Brønnøysund Register. This gives you your own organization number, necessary for creating a bank account and registering elsewhere. If you want to start in Bergen, it may also be wise to register with Kulturstyret, providing many benefits.

To register at the Brønnøysund register you need to have a Norwegian national identity number.

Articles of Association

To establish a student organization, it'swise to have articles of association. These are the fundamental rules for the organization, stating how it should be run, its purpose, how general meetings are conducted, who can become members, how the board is elected, members' rights, financial and legal matters, and how the organization can be dissolved.
Below is a proposal for articles of association, taking into account requirements from, for example, the Brønnøysund Register. What a society needs to regulate in its articles may vary and depends on the size and type of operation or whether it is a standalone organization or has formal ties to other organizations.


To apply for funds, the organization must have its own bank account. There are free agreements and services you can pay for. It may be wise to consider your organization's needs before entering into agreements that cost money.
Various Banks that can be Used

Ask for Help!

Sammen Student Life offers organizational help and advice to students and student organizations. Do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything! Good luckstarting a new student organization!
Tip! Checkout Chapter 1 of the Organization Handbook by "Frivillighet Norge". It thoroughly covers how to start a voluntary organization.