Illustration of the facade and outdoor area of Tervatunet 1 C and D.

Tervatunet 1 C og D

Live modern and socially in our newest student accommodations in Førde.
Tervatunet 1 C and D are situated in the same area as the rest of our student accommodations in Førde and constitute our largest and newest residential building completed in 2022. The area boasts a great community where many students gather. With fewer courses offered at HVL in Førde, there's also a good chance that you'll live with others studying the same program as you.


  1. WiFi
  2. Laudry room
  3. Parking
  4. Social outdoor area

Useful information

Your Name Tervatunet 1 <C or D> , <your room number> 6800 Førde
Example: Ola Nordmann
Tervatunet 1C, H0103
6800 Førde
You'll find the mailbox labeled with your room number on the wall outside the janitor's office by Hamretunet 14-19.
Garbage and recycling
You can dispose of residual waste, wet organic waste (food waste), plastic, and cardboard/paper in the trash bins at the parking lot of Tervatunet. There, you'll also find containers for glass and metal packaging. Electrical waste, batteries, etc., can be dropped off at any location that sells similar items.
Between Hamretunet and Tervatunet, you'll also find the swap-room 'Gjenbrusbui' where residents can leave things they no longer need or take something that others have left behind. It's great for both your wallet and the environment.
We have bike racks near the buildings for bicycle parking.
In Vieåsen, including Tervatunet, we have some designated parking spaces for our residents, subject to availability. At the parking lot near Hamretunet, we also offer electric car charging facilities.
Electric Car Charging:
This is operated through an app via QR code or, for our tenants, through a registered user account for a slightly reduced fee. To obtain a user account, you can submit a request to the janitor via 'My Page' on, and they will assist you.
All our accommodations have a fixed monthly fee for electricity, which includes your calculated individual usage, your share of the common area electricity consumption, hot water, etc. Prices may be adjusted based on consumption/market prices, but any changes will always be communicated well in advance.
Electricity charges are invoiced along with the rent at the beginning of each month.
To access, connect to the wireless network 'Saman' with the password 'Saman2019.' You will then be able to create a personal user account.
To get approval for your user account, your username must be in the following format: [room number]-[First name and Last name]. For example, 'H0105-KariJohansen.'
Note: It may take up to 1 day for the user to be approved and activated.
User Deletion
All users are deleted on July 31st and December 31st. Therefore, after these dates, everyone must create new users.
Facing issues connecting devices like AppleTV or Playstation?
To connect certain devices such as Smart TVs, Playstations, etc., to the network, we need to pre-approve the device's MAC address. You can submit this as a request to the caretaker via 'My Page' on, and it will be sent for approval.
You can find the laundry room in the basement of house C. You need the app 'Miele AppWash' to use the washing machines.
All our single rooms and bachelor apartments come furnished with a wardrobe, desk, and chair. Otherwise, you're free to furnish them as you wish. The rooms are not furnished with a bed unless other arrangements are made.
The mini kitchen is equipped with a stove with a cooktop (not induction), a combination fridge/freezer, and a sink.
All apartments are completely unfurnished except for kitchen appliances.

Kontakt oss

Saman administration: 55 96 88 33
Open Mon-Fri 08:00-15:00