Through a window with curtains, there is a view of a lush green cityscape.

Residence regulations

This is how we live together and take each other into consideration

Residence regulations for Sammen Housing

Effective from: February 24, 2023


This regulation covers residences owned and operated by the Student Welfare Organization on the Western Coast (Sammen) and regulates matters not addressed in the lease agreement. The regulation is an addition to the lease agreement. The Director of Sammen Housing or a delegated authority can grant exemptions to the tenants from all provisions in this regulation. Reference is also made to the Rental Act of March 16, 1999.


§ 2-1 Smoking and Pet Ownership
  • Smoking is not allowed in Sammen's residences.
  • Pet ownership is not allowed in Sammen's residences. Exceptions can be made if compelling reasons justify it, and the pet ownership does not cause inconvenience to the landlord or other property users. Exceptions can be made, for example, for guide dogs.
§ 2-2 Peace and Order
  • Each resident is responsible for peace and order in the student residence. One should consider other residents and not be a nuisance to them.
  • Residents should mutually respect each other's work and nighttime rest. There should be peace indoors and outdoors from Monday to Thursday and Sunday after 11:00 PM, and on Friday/Saturday and days before holidays after 12:00 AM.
  • All events in the student residence's premises should end at the specified times. The Tenant's Union (TU) – where it exists – can, with the consent of the Director of Sammen Housing, grant exemptions from the house rules for special events. In these cases, TU is responsible for ensuring that the house rules are followed in line with the granted exemptions.
  • Special measures can be taken by Sammen during exam periods to ensure peace and order.
§ 2-3 Rules for Residences
  • Each resident is responsible for cleanliness and order in their own residence, cf. § 2-5 (1).
  • Personal belongings must not be placed in escape routes: corridors, hallways, stairs, or outside storage rooms. Such equipment may be removed at the owner's expense, without further notice.
  • Storage of bicycles, skis, and other equipment should be done in designated storage areas.
  • All waste must be sorted according to applicable rules and securely packed before being placed in designated areas. Rules and notices on waste sorting should be followed.
  • Vents must not be blocked with fabric or similar materials. This can lead to moisture, mold, and structural damage.
  • Drying, airing, and shaking of clothes and carpets must not take place in common areas, balcony/veranda, out of windows or escape routes, or in a manner that causes a disturbance to residents.
7. Private vaskemaskiner, kjøleskap eller andre hvitevarer er ikke tillatt plassert/brukt i boligen. Unntak gjøres i boliger med uttak til vaskemaskin/tørketrommel på badet.
8. Annen oppvarming enn sentralfyring og/eller eventuelle elektriske ovner tilhørende den enkelte studentbolig må ikke benyttes uten spesiell tillatelse fra Sammen Bolig.
9. Tillitsutvalget – der dette finnes - eller Sammen Bolig kan organisere dugnad/opprydding av boder når dette finnes hensiktsmessig eller påkrevd. Dette gjelder ikke boder som er en del av boligen. Ved utflytting skal boden tømmes og ryddes.
10. Ved oppheng av bilder og lignende skal bildelistene eller andre lister brukes. Det er ikke tillatt å slå spiker eller skruer i veggene uten tillatelse fra Sammen Bolig.
§ 2-4 Rules for Common Kitchen/Common Bath
  • Residents connected to a common kitchen/common bath are responsible for keeping it clean and tidy and have a mutual duty to notify Sammen of any lack of cleanliness. If, after a given notice, Sammen Housing does not find the cleaning and tidying satisfactory, Sammen may make improvements at the residents' expense. Sammen Housing may require the establishment of a “Order Man” system.
  • Cooking should only take place in the kitchen/common kitchen.
  • If the responsible party for a rule violation does not come forward, all users of the common kitchen are collectively responsible for covering any costs resulting from violations of the housing regulations, cf. § 4-2 (1).
  • If there are faults or deviations in the common kitchen or common bath that need to be repaired by Sammen Housing, residents should report the faults through contact. By submitting a request, residents accept that representatives from Sammen Housing may lock themselves into common areas to fix the faults, also cf. § 3-1 below. The resident who reported the fault is responsible for informing other residents in the same unit that Sammen Housing will lock into the common area to fix the faults.
§ 2-5 Rules for Common Areas
  • Residents connected to common areas are responsible for the cleanliness and order in these areas. It is the responsibility of the Trust Committee – where it exists – to find good arrangements for cleaning and tidying.
  • If Sammen Housing finds that cleaning and order in common areas are unsatisfactory, the establishment of an “Order Man” system may be required. In cases of serious violations of the regulations, Sammen Housing may consider closing common areas.
§ 2-6 Parking
  • Vehicles parked on Sammen's properties are subject to the prevailing parking regulations. Bicycles must be marked with a valid sticker.
  • Parking should be done in marked spaces, according to signs. Sammen Housing will ensure that illegally parked cars are removed at the owner's expense.
  • It is not allowed to connect engine heaters, charge cars, and similar activities to power outlets in the residences unless there is a specific outlet for it and permission has been granted.
§ 2-7 Posters and Notices
Posters and notices can only be hung in designated areas intended for this purpose.
§ 2-8 Removal of Belongings and Garbage
Sammen Housing may instruct residents to remove private belongings (garbage, etc.) left on Sammen's properties. If residents do not comply with the instruction, the belongings will be removed at the owner's expense.
§ 2-9 Sammen's Responsibility for Residents' Belongings
Sammen is not responsible for private belongings that residents store in the student residence unless the loss or damage to these belongings is due to neglect by Sammen or someone acting on behalf of Sammen. Tenants must ensure the insurance of their belongings.


§ 3-1 Inspections/Maintenance Work
  • If faults or deviations occur that need to be rectified by Sammen Housing, residents should report the faults through contact. Sammen Housing should rectify reported faults or deviations within a reasonable time frame.
  • When repairing reported faults or deviations in common areas such as hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms, residents accept, by submitting a request, that representatives from Sammen Housing may lock themselves into common areas to rectify the faults. If possible, Sammen Housing will inform about the time frame for the repairs. The resident who reported the fault is responsible for informing other residents in the same unit that Sammen Housing will lock into the common area to rectify the faults.
  • Inspections and other improvement and maintenance work should be notified 7 days in advance if possible. The tenant and landlord shall attempt to agree on a time for the inspection or maintenance work.
  • In cases where it is not possible to notify the tenant, the landlord can only enter the lease object when it is necessary to prevent damage. This applies, for example, to the following cases: a) Inspections when there is suspicion of danger to life and health. b) Inspections when there is suspicion of serious breaches of the lease agreement and regulations, where measures are necessary to prevent damage to the residence and the property in general. c) Inspections when there is suspicion of serious conditions or deficiencies that require immediate rectification.


§ 4-1 Complaints
  • Complaints about residents or visitors should be directed to Sammen Housing as the first instance.
  • Complaints regarding issues or activities in Sammen's activities should be directed to the Trust Committee – where it exists – as the first instance.
§ 4-2 Right to Intervene, Initiate Termination Proceedings, etc.
  • Sammen Housing, or the authorized person, has the right to intervene in cases of disturbance of peace and order, misuse of alarms, unwanted alarms, and material damage. Sammen Housing may demand that the situation be rectified and may also expel persons who do not live in the student residence. Sammen Housing may demand that the residents cover the costs incurred by incidents. Serious or repeated violations of the regulations may result in termination of the lease agreement or termination (see § 11 (7) of the lease agreement).
  • Sammen Housing has the right to intervene and demand that the situation be rectified in cases of material damage or breach of housing regulations/lease agreement. Sammen Housing can issue warnings and/or call for a meeting in such cases. If the situation is not rectified, it may lead to termination or termination of the lease agreement.
  • Vandalism of fire equipment and smoke detectors (including covering smoke detectors) is considered a substantial breach and may result in termination of the lease contract, cf. § 11 (7) of the lease agreement.


1. On match days/event days, the following applies:
a) There will be a lot of people and activity in the area, and high volume from sound systems and the audience, both before, during, and after the match.
b) Windows facing the field will be shielded with cloth or banners to prevent insight. Brann can also implement such measures during selected training sessions.
c) Windows should be closed due to the risk of smoke and loud noise from the event. The fire alarm system is sensitive and may be triggered by smoke from pyrotechnic effects.
d) Brann has access to lock into rooms with activated fire alarms/presence of fire for checking conditions. The tenant should, if possible, be notified before Brann locks into the lease object.
e) Brann has guards around the stadium and is authorized according to § 4-2 to intervene in case of disturbances and misuse of alarms. Brann may also remove trash from spectators outside the stadium after the event.
2. Residents are not allowed to profile other football teams from windows and facades at Brann Stadion.


The house hosts have the same function as the Trust Committee/TU, in the paragraphs referring to them.


The Director of Sammen Housing and the Housing Committee can propose changes to the housing regulations. The Director prepares a recommendation to the managing director, who has the authority to make minor changes. Significant changes are presented to the board for consideration.


These regulations enter into force on February 22, 2023, and replace the previous regulations.