Sustainable building in solid wood construction.


Urban living in the core of Haugesund city center in our newest building.


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The student housing in Sørhauggata consists mostly of one-bedroom studio apartments, but there are as well a few 2-room apartments, which can be suitable for couples. On the 1st floor. we run Kaffebaren 100. On those sunny days you can sit in the cosiest backyard and drink delicious coffee at student prices.

Useful information:

Address and post
Everyone has their own private post office box and these are gathered at the entrance in the building. Tenants who have an entrance from the backyard have their mailbox located to the left of the stairs/amphitheater.
Your address:
Your name Sørhauggata 100, room no. XX, NO-5528 Haugesund
Storage room
Most of the homes have a storage room inside their dorm room. Those who do not have it will be able to borrow one of the stalls that are in the bike room. Please contact our personnel at Kaffebaren if you have any questions about this.
Garbage and recycling
All waste must be sorted and disposed of in the correct containers. These are located in the backyard. There are separate bins for sorting on plastic, food waste, residue, cardboard/ paper and glass/metal. Electrical waste, batteries etc. can be handed in all places that sell similar goods.
Most of the homes in the building are furnished. This furniture can not be removed from the dwelling. A few of the 2-bedroom apartments are unfurnished.
We do not have parking spaces attached to the building. If it suits you and it is available, you can use our free parking spaces at Vardatun.
Everyone gets their electricity bill along with their rent from Sammen. We have set a fixed price for electricity, which includes your own consumption and areas that are shared. Prices may be adjusted according to consumption/market price, but changes will always be notified in advance.
Brukernavn og passord:
Brukernavn og passord til den trådløse ruteren skal finnes på siden av eller under ruteren.
Alle spørsmål, bestillinger og klager må rettes til Telia på telefon: 924 05 050. Kundesenteret vil kunne lokalisere modemet ved hjelp av mac nr. (står på boksen).
Problemer med pålogging?
I noen tilfeller kan det være du må resette boksen din. Det gjør du ved å ta den ned fra veggen, under eller ved siden på boksen finner du et lite hull som er merket med resett. Du kan bruke en penn eller noe annet spisst til å holde inne en knapp i hullet. Hold inne til lysene slås av på boksen og vent til de kommer på igjen. Det kan ta noen minutter før boksen kommer opp igjen med alle lysene.
Equipment loans
  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Iron
  3. Ironing board
  4. Grill
  5. Curtain staircase
  6. Extra bed for guests
  7. Some washing equipment for washing out
Please contact our personnel at Kaffebaren.
You will find the laundry in the entrance hall of the main building.
You use the app "AppWash" to pay, choose a machine, choose a washing program and report errors:
User guide can be found on lookups in the laundry


Housing coordinators
The housing coordinators are employees of Sammen Bolig, with the purpose of contributing to a good and pleasant living environment in the student housing. They are the tenants' link to housing administration and can be contacted if you have things you want to address. They carry out social events at the homes and want to create a good environment for everyone. Feel free to send them suggestions for social stuff you want make real. See information on boared the building who are the housing coordinators and their contact information.
👉 Events are announced on Instagram: sammenbolig_sorhauggata100
See information on board the building who are the housing coordinators and their contact information.
Common room
The housing coordinators often arrange social events in the common room at Vardatun II:
  1. Pizza Night
  2. Knitting nights
  3. Game night
  4. Barbecuing in the outside
  5. Viewing football match or movie
  6. Reading and study evenings
👉 Events are announced on Instagram: sammenbolig_sorhauggata100

Her finner du oss

Sørhauggata 100, 5528 Haugesund

Kontakt oss

Kaffebaren 100: 48 09 03 76