A male student with a laptop in front of him, typing.

How to Write a Good Application

If the job advertisement is the exam paper, the application is the answer
šŸ•µļø Investigate the employer and the position:
  1. Read the job advertisement carefully.
  2. Find more information about the employer; use Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, acquaintances, career fairs, industry media, and any others you can think of.
  3. It's useful to know what the employer's social mission, values, customer group, projects, challenges, pride, and all other information that can paint a clearer picture of the job.
  4. Think about what the job involves and how, with your skills, you can fill the role.
šŸ‘Œ Map yourself:
  1. The CV is a factual document, the application should argue that you are the right person for the job.
  2. Justify claims and show with concrete examples.
  3. What motivated you to make the choices you have made?
  4. How can your knowledge be useful to the employer?
  5. How do your personal qualities come through your actions?
Three questions that can help you structure the text:
  1. Who am I? - your personal qualities
  2. What can I do? - education and other experience
  3. What do I want? - motivation for this particular job
(These don't need to be answered in this order; the first and the last can switch places or be closely related).
šŸ–Šļø Career Counselors' Tips:
  1. The application must always be tailored to thejobyou're applying for.
  2. Motivation is crucial! Highlightwhatmotivatesyou to apply for thisparticularposition.
  3. Emphasize, with goodexamples, the parts ofyourcompetence and experiencethatare most relevant to thejob.
  4. Be concise and precise; thetextshould be a maximumofonepage.
  5. Write clearly and lightly, useparagraphs. Avoidlongsentences, foreignwords, and technicalterminology.
  6. Keep an eyeontheemployer'sneeds: howcanyou show thatyou have whattheyneed to filltherole and performthetasks?
Want feedback? Send your CV and application to us.
Finding it challenging to start job hunting? Participate in the Writing Workshop at Sammen Career every last Thursday of the month in Bergen.