Man holding a phone in the gym

Our booking app

Use your phone to book, cancel, or put yourself on the waiting list for our group classes.
The booking apps "Trene Sammen" and "iBooking" will gradually be phased out and will no longer be available on the App Store or Google Play.
You will have the same functionality as before through a new app: Membro. Booking via the website will also continue to function as usual for some time.
Use your phone to book, cancel, or put yourself on the waiting list for group classes. You can also read our news and manage your membership directly from your mobile device.
Booking rules
  • Early Booking: You can book a class up to 2 days before it starts.
  • Flexible Booking: Through the website/app, you can book up to 30 minutes before the class begins.
  • Cancellation: Cancel at least 120 minutes before the class starts to avoid the "no-show" notification.
  • Attendance Confirmation: Confirm your attendance at the customer station 5 minutes before the class starts to avoid a "no-show" status and loss of your spot.
  • "No-Show" Fee: A fee will be imposed after 3 "no-shows" in the same semester, with the risk of a booking restriction. It will then cost NOK 60 to lift the booking restriction.
  • Waitlist: Put yourself on the waitlist, and you will receive an SMS if a spot becomes available at least 120 minutes before the class starts.
  • Last-Minute Bookings: Book an available spot from the customer station 30 minutes before the class starts, within a 5-minute window before release.
  • Daily Limit: Maximum of 2 group classes per day.
  • Weekly Limit: Maximum of 4 group classes within a 7-day period.
This ensures a fair experience for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation.