Picture of a sports hall.

Find a Venue

No matter what your student organization does, whether it's sports, singing, or journalism, it can be useful to have premises.

Venues for student organizationsonthe West Coast

Venues in Bergen
Sports Facilities
Cultural Venues
Office and Practice Venues
Many student organizations have office space on campus. Contact the educational institution.
Venues in Haugesund
The Students' House
The student associations have their own house with office spaces and storage.
All students who engage in a student association can access the Students' House.
Here, you can hold association meetings and gather members for social events. There is also a large storage space for equipment.
The venue is located just below the university on the second floor above the Pedalen bicycle shop. Are you a new representative in an association? Contact the association's leader to arrange access.
Venues at Stord
Granheim Student House Granheim is the student house at Rommetveit. The student association Studentersamfundet manages the student house.
Here, you can hold association meetings and gather members for social events.
The venue is located on the campus below the artificial turf field. Contact Studentersamfundet to arrange access.