Two women are sitting together with their mobile phones and a book, sharing smiles as they enjoy a moment filled with laughter

Find a Student Organization

On the West Coast, there are hundreds of student organizations. Find one that suits you.
Being part of a student organization is both social and educational. In a student organization, you get to be part of an active student community, and you get to cultivate your own interest – whether it's football, theater, or beer brewing.
Also, remember that it's an excellent opportunity to gain experience. For a career, it's more than formal education. It's also the sum of everything you engage in while you're a student – from part-time jobs to positions and hobbies. In a student organization, you can develop new skills, gain experience through volunteering, get to know yourself, and build a network.

Student Organizations on the West Coast

Studentsamfunnet in Førde - SIF The SiF board works to ensure that you, as a student in Førde, have a good leisure offer while studying here. They continuously work to expand the range of activities and membership benefits with local shops and businesses.
They organize events such as concerts and quizzes, and as a member, you can participate in activities like swimming and student climbing.
Førde Student Idrett (Sports) - FSI
FSI is a sports club for all students in Førde. They offer various activities, including football for both ladies and gentlemen, as well as tennis and volleyball!
HSI - Haugesund Student Sports Association HSI is the association for those who enjoy sports, team sports, and exercise. All HSI members have access to the campus gym.
StudDykk / Dive The association for those who want to learn to dive or enjoy diving.
Studkick Studkick is the association that offers outdoor activities, adventure trips, climbing, and surfing. All members can borrow equipment for activities and excursions from Studkick's inventory.
Studentsamfunnet in Haugesund - Stødden Do you want to participate in organizing quizzes, theme parties, and other social events? Then Stødden is the association for you.
ØSF - Økonomistudentenesforening ØSF Haugesund is the academic association for all economics students at the Haugesund campus.
MAST - Association for Maritime Students All maritime students are automatically members of MAST by paying the semester fee.
NITO - for engineering students Student organization for bachelor's and master's students in engineering and technology fields.
Studentsamfunnet in Sogndal
The Studentsamfunnet in Sogndal contributes significantly to the social scene in Sogndal. They manage the daily operations of the student house Meieriet and organize concerts, quizzes, and parties.
Lurkarlaget is the outdoor activities organization for Sogndal students. The organization arranges and conducts various trips, courses, and activities at all levels throughout the academic year. Activities include climbing, skiing and snowboarding, cycling, hiking, and camping.
Studentspretten is a student sports organization in Sogndal, driven by and for students to provide training and exercise through various activities. In the organization, students have the opportunity to unwind and engage in sports amid an otherwise busy student life.
Active at school, active after school!
The student organization for those who thrive best on and in water! They offer courses and activities in diving, sea kayaking, river paddling, and surfing.
Framtiden i våre hender Sogndal Studentlag
The student organization for those concerned about the environment and sustainability. Find them on Facebook!
Laget is the organization for those who seek a community with a focus on faith.
The students' voluntary organization for solidarity, well-being, and community.
Sogndal students student organization for air and wind sports organizes trips, courses, and activities throughout the academic year. The organization engages in various activities such as kiting, paragliding, ski sailing, wind tunnel, and skydiving.
Studentidrettslaget Råmund Råmund organizes weekly training sessions in football, volleyball, and crossfit. All members can make use of the campus gym.
Studentersamfundet Studentersamfundet operates the student house Granheim on campus. It is a social student association that organizes quizzes, theme parties, cafes, and concerts. All students are automatically members by paying the semester fee.
Pedagogstudentene HVL Stord The Educational Association's student organization. They offer both academic and social events.
NSF Stord - Norwegian Nurses' Association The trade union working for the rights and recognition of nurses.