ADHD/ADD - Coping Group for Students

Have you been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD? Do you want to work on the challenges it may pose in your academic life?

ADHD/ADD, also known as attention-deficit/hype ractivity disorder, is present in approximately 2-3% of the adult population.
ADHD/ADD can affect concentration, causing restlessness, and impulsivity. However, experiences vary from person to person.
Students with ADHD/ADD may struggle with and benefit from learning about:
  1. Organizing their own study routine and learning, gaining overview, remembering everything
  2. Managing attention and focus
  3. Uneven performance (handling thoughts like "could have done better")
  4. Managing relationships and difficulte motions
  5. Taking care of themselves (sleep, food, relaxation, balancing activity levels, etc.)
  6. Getting started, staying motivated, enduring, finishingon time
  7. Accommodations and rights
These are the topics covered in the course/group:
  1. Medication and psychological treatment, ADHD/ADD in adults
  2. Coping strategies for learning and quality of life
  3. Attention training and mindfulness
  4. Rights and accommodations
  5. Work, career, academic life, and ADHD
  6. Tools to help manage everyday life, potentially increasing motivation
  7. Lifestyle and living with ADHD/ADD
  8. Relationships (strengths and challenges)
  9. Emotions (regulating strong or absent emotions)
Our course is focused on everyday life and the life of a student. Many participants find it enlightening to meet others with similar experiences.
Practical Information
There is both teaching, discussions, exercises, and sharing of experiences. You decide what you want to share.
All groups starting in January and February are now full. You are welcome to register you interest for upcoming groups.
This is for you who:
  1. Can attend the entire course unless otherwise agreed.
  2. We do not have meetings on public holidays.
  3. Can show the diagnosis of ADHD/ADD.
  4. Can understand Norwegian well enough to participate in conversations/education in Norwegian
  5. Are a student and pay semester fees to Sammen/your institution.
This is not the group for you if you are currently struggling with psychosis, substance abuse issues, waiting for an ADHD/ADD assessment, or have serious thoughts of taking your life. In such cases, we would rather help you find a more suitable offer. If you are waiting for a diagnosis, we recommend our courses on, for example, study structure and concentration.
How to join:
Do you want more information about the course or want to express interest in participation? Contactus by phone 55 96 88 44, register for treatment on our website, and state that you want this offer. If you are already in treatment with us, your psychologist/ counselor can refer you. Before the course/group, you will be invited to a non-binding pre-interview. In the pre-interview, you can ask questions with one of the group leaders and find out if this is the right offer for you.