Dynamic Group Therapy

Life patterns are a way of living or a lifestyle that is characteristic of an individual. The way we live and present ourselves can lead to difficulties with ourselves or with other people. In such cases, we may need help to better understand ourselves and work on changing behaviors that contribute to maintaining these difficulties. Often, this is most effectively done in a group setting with others.

Examples of life patterns may include:
  1. Feeling overly dependent on others
  2. Overinvolvement in others
  3. Avoidance of situations that may evoke negative emotions
  4. Difficulties expressing emotions
  5. Challenges in forming connections with others
  6. Issues with self-control
  7. Excessive control/rigidity
It is in encounters with others that we learn about ourselves. In a group, this can be achieved by examining how we are perceived by others and how others influence us. This is done through interaction in the group by providing and receiving feedback to others and by "practicing" new ways of interacting with others.

Practical Information:

The group consists of 10 group participants and two therapists (psychologist specialists).
The group will meet for 20 sessions, each lasting 1½ hours.
Before Starting:
  1. Preliminary interview where basic behavior patterns are mapped out
  2. Development of a case formulation (description of what you want to work on) together with the student
In the Group, Participants Will Work On:
  1. Analysis of behavior in light of the formulated goals
  2. Working on individual core issues within the group
  3. Exploring personal experiences and using relationships in the group to work on and change aspects of oneself that hinder development and personal growth
Requires self-disclosure and a desire to understand oneself, one's reactions, and behavioral patterns.
This group may not be suitable if you are currently struggling significantly with substance abuse, psychosis, or serious thoughts of self-harm – in such cases, we can assist you in finding a more appropriate resource.
Would you like more information about group therapy and wish to request a preliminary interview for this group? Please contact us at telephone number 55 96 88 44, or register your interest via our website here, stating that you wish to have a preliminary interview for dynamic short-term group therapy. If you are already in treatment with Sammen, you can request a referral from your therapist.
This offer is for you as a student who pays semester fees to Sammen/your educational institution.