Breaking the Legacy of Violence Youth

Breaking the Legacy of Violence Youth is a group offering for students who have lived with violence in their immediate family.

Many think they are alone in having experienced violence in their upbringing; however, this is not the case. Students may have witnessed violence between parents and close caregivers or experienced violence themselves. Violence is defined as any act aimed at causing harm, pain, or offense, and you can read more about how the course instructor, Alternative to Violence (ATV), defines violence here.
Many who experience family violence:
- carry their experiences into their future lives, which can affect our mental health
- may be afraid of becoming like their mothers and fathers or of experiencing violence again
- Violence can create a fundamental sense of insecurity
- Violence can affect our ability to form and maintain new healthy relationships
Together with others, you will be able to break the loneliness often associated with having experienced this.
During the course, you will learn what violence is, what it does to us, and how you can process it. You will gain a clearer language for your experiences and understand who is responsible for what has happened. Together with others, you can break the loneliness often associated with experiencing violence during upbringing. The experiences in the course will make it easier for you to establish and maintain safe and positive relationships. With new knowledge, you will be better equipped to handle experiences, break the legacy of violence, and leave the violence of your upbringing behind.
Practical Information:
The course is conducted by Alternative to Violence for students. The course consists of theory and exercises, where you decide how much of your experiences you want to share with others. You work on this through 4 sessions plus a reunion session. Parallel individual sessions are offered at Sammen.
Number of participants: Up to 8.
Time/duration: 4+1 sessions, each lasting 3 hours.
Before and After Interview:
Before the course, one of the group leaders will have an individual meeting with you. Here, you will receive information about the course and determine if this is the right offer for you. When you finish the course, you will be invited to an evaluation session.
This group is for you if you have experienced or witnessed one or more forms of violence. This is not the right group right now if you are currently struggling significantly with substance abuse, extensive eating disorders, psychosis, or have serious thoughts of self-harm. In any case, contact Sammen, and we can help you find a more suitable offer.
Referral to this group can be done by calling 55 96 88 44 and expressing your interest. If you are in treatment with Sammen Psykisk Helse, your psychologist or counselor at Sammen Psykisk Helse can enroll you.
Before participating in the course "Breaking the Legacy of Violence Youth," remember to schedule an appointment for individual follow-up with a psychologist/counselor at Sammen. If you are not in treatment, you can schedule here.mmen. Hvis du ikke er i behandling, bestiller du her.