Sammen Sleep School - Group Treatment

Did you know that there are effective methods to achieve better and more efficient sleep?

One in three students struggles with sleep issues. Some may think it's just a matter of pulling oneself together; others feel they've tried everything, while some believe they have to live with these difficulties. It doesn't have to be that way! We assist you with methods that can help most people with insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders.
Can you recognize yourself in any of these?
  1. Difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early*
  2. Poor sleep quality*
  3. A circadian rhythm that doesn't work*
  4. Poor sleep or circadian rhythm has affected daytime functioning*, grades, or study progression
  5. Sleep affecting mood, quality of life, alertness, or health
  6. Your difficulties have persisted over time or recur regularly
Together with group members who support each other and share experiences, we train in methods that promote more effective and better sleep and circadian rhythm. Perhaps you're using willpower to combat the consequences of problematic sleep? Therefore, our goal is for you to be awake and alert during the day, using willpower and motivation for studies and activities that bring you joy.
Over time, most people gain more control over their sleep difficulties. Many then experience improvements in physical and mental health, performance, and mood. Some also participate because they want to stop using sleep medication.
Practical Information:
This group includes teaching, individual assessments, some simple exercises, and sharing experiences. You must be willing to share something about your sleep challenges with the group. We work on what could be good and important goals for you, and how these can be broken down so that you gradually move toward your goals. Much of this work is done between sessions. Participants start when they are committed to making an effort to feel better.
Time: Thursday 16:15-18:15. Location: Student Center, Sammen Psykisk Helse. Meet at the waiting room.
This Is for You If:
  1. You are a student and pay semester fees to Sammen/your institution.
  2. You recognize yourself in parts of the descriptions above.
  3. You can participate over time.
  4. You are willing to work on change.
  5. You can fill out a sleep diary/sleep app.
This May Not Be the Right Group If:
  1. You are currently struggling significantly with psychosis, substance abuse, or have serious thoughts of self-harm. In that case, we will help you find a more suitable offering. We will also help direct you to more suitable offerings if we see that you have sleep disorders that fall outside the ones we treat.
If you have short-term sleep difficulties or realize that this group is not suitable for you, see if the Sammen Sleep School course might be a better alternative.
How to Join:
Do you want more information about the group or want to express interest in participating? Contact us at phone number 55 96 88 44, register for treatment on our website, and mention that you want this offering. If you are already in treatment with us, you can be referred by your psychologist/counselor.
Before the course/group, you will be invited to an informal pre-session. In this session, you can ask questions, get more detailed information, and find out if this is the right offering for you. You will also be invited to fill out a sleep assessment form.