Physical Health Challenges - Persistent Physical Health Challenges

Do you have a physical illness, discomfort, or disability that makes life challenging? Many experience reduced physical health over time, and during the student period, this can be particularly challenging.

Perhaps you will experience:
  1. Inability to participate in desired activities
  2. Having to decline invitations
  3. Periodically worrying about the future
  4. Feeling that life is different from what you desired
  5. Experiencing loneliness and low mood
Health challenges affect your student life
At Sammen, we recognize that many challenges posed by lasting health issues can be similar across various conditions. Therefore, we invite you to join a group with others facing different physical challenges/illnesses.
What You Will Learn More About
  1. Managing everyday life as a student with physical health challenges
  2. Opportunities for accommodation and rights
  3. Handling emotions and thoughts, techniques
  4. Identity
  5. Living with a body that doesn't cooperate
  6. Acceptance - while continuing to fight
  7. Managing pain
The goal is increased knowledge and training in tools and strategies you can use to manage everyday life and student life. Many also find it educational to meet others with similar experiences.
Practical Information
In this group/course, there is both teaching, conversations, exercises, and sharing of experiences. You decide what you want to share, including information about your health.
Number of participants: 8-12.
Each course has 8 weekly sessions lasting 2 hours each.
This is for you if:
  1. You can participate in the entire course (preferably all 8 sessions, unless otherwise agreed)
  2. You are a student and pay semester fees to Sammen/your institution
This is not the group for you if you
Are currently struggling with psychosis, substance abuse issues, or have serious thoughts of self-harm. In that case, we would rather help you find a more suitable offer.
Contact us at +47 55 96 88 44, register for treatment on our website, and state your interest in this offer. If you are already in treatment with us, you can be referred by your psychologist/counselor.
If you contact us directly to participate in the course, you will be invited to an informal preliminary conversation. During this conversation, you can ask questions and determine if this is the right offer for you.