Eating disorder

Eating disorders can manifest as chaotic eating patterns, restrictive eating, overeating, or reducing energy intake through vomiting, exercise, or other means

Thoughts about food, body, and weight can dominate your mind 24/7, sometimes to the extent that other aspects of life become secondary.
Do you experience an eating problem?
Is this affecting your quality of life?
Do you want to gain control over what and when you eat?
Do you wish to develop stable and healthy eating habits?
Do you want to become more satisfied with your own body, weight, and figure?
This group is for those who want to make a change. And to achieve change, we must make changes. The group can offer knowledge, guidance, and support in such a process.
Sessions are based on a knowledge-based cognitive approach. We start by ensuring the implementation of change, then work on maintaining factors. Finally, we look at how to prevent relapse.
The group has a "here and now" focus, as well as a forward-looking perspective. Sessions will consist of teaching and discussions with a problem-solving focus.
Practical Information:
The group meets twice a week for the first 4 weeks to ensure a good start and initiate change. Afterward, there is one meeting per week.
There are a total of 16-18 meetings.
How to Register:
If this sounds like something for you, contact Sammen and request a pre-conversation. In the pre-conversation, you can get more information and the opportunity to ask questions. You can also discuss further whether this is right for you and clarify if this is something you desire.
Contact Sammen at telephone 55 96 88 44.
You can also express your interest by registering for counseling on our website or convey your interest through your therapist (if you are already in therapy).