
Get help for mental health challenges

Sammen Mental Health, Bergen

We have a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, counselors, and psychotherapists. They have a good understanding of student-related mental health challenges and can help you improve and cope with studies and everyday life in the best possible way.
All our mental health services are free for students.
One-on-One Session with a Therapist
Meet a safe and neutral conversation partner with whom you can reflect and openly share. You don't need a referral from a doctor. Talk to us about, for example:
  1. Study-related difficulties
  2. Mental health challenges
  3. Difficult relationships
  4. Sleep problems
  5. Worries
  6. Life crises
During the treatment, you will receive tips and advice on how to work on yourself to feel better. Our individual offer has a short duration, but you will receive a good toolbox to work with. If needed, you can also be referred to group therapy.
Appointment Booking
To help you in the best possible way, you need to complete an assessment before you can book an appointment. The assessment ensures that you get the right help from the first session, helps you reflect on your situation, and identifies what you need to feel better. The results from the assessment are also used for follow-up during treatment.
Due to holiday closure it's now not possible to register for an appointment. New inquiries/registrations can be done from 29. July.
How to Book an Appointment
  • Complete the assessment (15-20 minutes).
  • Choose "to the waiting list" to register (specify a digital meeting if this is preferable).
  • You will receive a notification for an appointment via SMS within 1-3 days.
Note: Students with phone numbers registered outside the Nordic region or without BankID must call us to book an appointment.
Contact us if you want to book an appointment without BankID, have questions about our individual offers, or need to change your appointment.
Adress: Parkveien 1 Phone: 55 96 88 44