A girl walking with a backpack on her back and a pair of hiking boots in her hand.

Moving out

Prepare your residence for a new student 🧡
Thank you for staying with us, we hope you had a nice time. Before you move, there are some things you must remember to do to make the student home ready for a new student.

Moving out


If you want to move out before your contract ends, you'll have to cancel it on My page. Don't forget, you're tied in for three months from the start of your contract and there's a three-month notice period. So, it's a good idea to make sure that the notice is submitted at the right time.

Change address

Remember to update My page with your new address. If any mail arrives at the student accommodation after you have moved out, it will be returned to sender.

Move out cleaning

Cleaning when moving out is usually much more thorough than a regular weekly cleaning. Our experience is that most people need to spend more time on this than they initially thought. We have expectations for how it should look when you move out and will therefore help you along the way.


We have created a checklist and hope this can make the job easier.
  1. Refrigerator must be defrosted and cleaned. Please move the refrigerator away from the wall and clean the sides and the floor underneath. Shared kitchen: Refrigerator and freezer must be emptied and cleaned.
  2. Hob/stove/tray must be scrubbed/cleaned. Please move the stove away from the wall and clean around and underneath.
  3. Kitchen sink and taps must be scrubbed. The wall above the kitchen bench must be cleaned.
  4. Kitchen cupboard, drawers and cutting board must be emptied and cleaned. Shared kitchen: Remember to remove your private belongings from cupboards/drawers.
  5. Ventilator/kitchen fan: Must be cleaned and filter cleaned in hot soapy water.
  6. Garbage bin is emptied and washed.
  7. Kitchen equipment in shared kitchens: please the same be left as when moving in.
  1. Toilet and sink must be scrubbed both on the inside and the outside.
  2. Shower walls/doors/tiles must be scrubbed. Please remember to rinse well with hot water.
  3. Shower curtain must be washed at 40–60 degrees. Hang it back up and stretch well.
  4. Mirror must be cleaned.
Your room
  1. Air vents and lamps must be cleaned.
  2. Walls must be cleaned lightly, stains removed. Do not use too much soap.
  3. Windows must be cleaned both on the inside and the outside where possible. Window frames must also be cleaned.
  4. Curtains must be washed at 30–40 degrees and hung up again.
  5. Covers for pillows in bay window at Gyldenpris must be washed at 40 degrees.
  6. Sockets, switches/knobs, and door phone must be cleaned lightly.
  7. Wardrobes must be cleaned on the inside and the outside. Stains must be removed. Remember to clean on top of the wardrobe.
  8. Doors must be cleaned on the inside and the outside and stains must be removed.
  9. Furniture must be hoovered and cleaned. The mattress base and chairs must be hoovered. The top mattress/covers must be washed at 40–60 degrees and dried.
  1. Floors and moulding are the last things you clean. Stains must be removed. Please do not use too much soap.
Damage report:
If there is a problem/damage in your room, you must register a case on My Page before moving out.
Storage room
Remember to empty your storage. If you are sharing a storage with others: hand in the storage key when you hand in your room key.

Personal belongings

It is important that you take all personal belongings and furniture with you, including things you have stored in the storage room. If you have things that you do not want to take with you further, you can:
  1. Sell the items
  2. Throw away items that are broken
  3. Pass on items in good condition to a lucky fellow student - some of our student accommodations have their own recycling rooms.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to leave personal items in your student accommodation for the next tenant.

Cleaning check

We want moving out and cleaning to be as smooth as possible. Therefore, we would like to offer you a check before you leave. This way, you can be more confident that you have done what is necessary and won't risk receiving an invoice for additional cleaning.
If you want us to check your home, you make an appointment with our cleaners from My Page. It's a good idea to make an agreement about check-out well in advance of moving out, to find a time that suits you - cleaning is quickly fully booked at the end of the semester😅
If there is something broken or missing in your student accommodation, register this on My Page before you move out.
Schedule a cleaning check:

Return keys

Keys must be handed in before 12.00 on the day your contract expires. You can of course deliver it earlier, if that suits you better.

How to deliver the keys

You hand in the keys and garbage tag at the same Service Center where you picked them up, or use the drop box at Fantoft or Lehmkuhl. Remember to put the keys in a closed envelope marked with your name and room number.
Deliver the keys in a pre-written envelope. Give the envelope to the housekeeper during the inspection, or make an appointment with the janitor. You can also put it in the mailbox outside the janitors's office.
👉You will find envelopes in a folder on the information board inside the common area.
We prefer that this is delivered when inspecting the home, but if it is not suitable, you can also use the janitor's mailbox where you live. Remember to put keys in a closed envelope marked with your name and room number.
Deliver the keys in a pre-written envelope. Give the envelope to the housekeeper at the inspection, in the administration on campus, or in one of our mailboxes.
👉You will find envelopes in a folder on the information board inside the common area.
We prefer that the keys are delivered when inspecting the home, but if it is not suitable, you can also use the janitor's mailbox where you live. Remember to put keys in a closed envelope marked with your name and room number. ​
If you have any other questions about the delivery of the keys, please contact us.