A child and a staff member sit together on a bench, looking out over the playground.

Guidance and kindergarten pedagogy

Developing good relational skills with both children and staff.
In Sammen kindergartens, the MarteMeo - method is used in daily interaction situations with children. Children's development and learning occur in relation to and in interaction with others. Therefore, Sammen kindergartens place great emphasis on developing good relational skills in both children and staff.
MarteMeo is about meeting each individual child based on their individual needs. The staff receives training in the MarteMeo method, focusing on creating good relationships. All Sammen kindergartens are certified as MarteMeo childcare centers. In a MarteMeo kindergarten, children are met by adults who are available, support them, and articulate what is going on. At the same time, the child is given time and space to take their initiatives and feel relevant in their interactions with other children and adults.

Marte Meo Certified Kindergartens

All Sammen kindergartens are Marte Meo certified.
This means that:
  1. We have staff who are approved Marte Meo therapists, colleague-guides, and practitioners.
  2. We provide Marte Meo guidance to staff.
  3. Marte Meo elements permeate relationships in daily childcare life.
  4. All staff are familiar with the elements.
  5. Marte Meo is regularly discussed at staff meetings, parent meetings, etc.


In Sammen kindergartens, Marte Meo is used in daily interaction situations with children and for staff guidance. Using Marte Meo as a guidance method means using videos and visual images of interactions as a basis for guidance. The method is a practical model for developing new skills that the staff brings back to daily interactions with children. The visual images give us detailed, step-by-step information about what's happening in the interaction, while the method allows us to tie together theory and practice.
The purpose of using the method in our work is to achieve:
•increased knowledge about interaction.
•better and stronger interaction quality.
•common understanding of the principles of supportive communication.
•deeper understanding and insight into individual children.
•developed observation skills.
•reflection on our role when meeting individual children.

Parent Guidance

Sammen kindergartens have Marte Meo therapists who offer parental guidance. You can contact the manager if you want guidance.
Marte Meo parental guidance will make you aware of what your child masters in the essential elements of social interaction. It will give you ideas about what you can do more of in your daily life. The guidance will also make you aware of the significance of small interaction elements for positive development.

The guidance proceeds as follows:

You have a conversation with the counselor discussing what you and your child might need support for. These can be small daily challenges like improving interaction during meals at home, experiencing conflicts, assistance with dressing, etc.
You agree on a situation to be filmed. You film a brief sequence at home, lasting no more than 4 minutes.
The film is handed to the counselor, for example, on a USB stick. The counselor reviews the film before the guidance session.
The guidance session consists of you both viewing pictures and short clips from the film. The focus is on what the child manages in an interaction situation, the little things that support the child's development, and the support the child needs more of.
After the guidance, you and the counselor will decide on how to proceed.
For more information on our pedagogical work, see the annual plans for our kindergartens.