Children in colorful rain gear at the playground.

Five Benefits for Student Parents

At Sammen's kindergarten, we prioritize the unique needs of student parents. Explore the five distinct advantages we offer to studying parents within our facilities:
1. Exam Guarantee - If your child falls ill on your exam day, we ensure childcare.
Being a part of Sammen, we want to facilitate your completion of studies in the best possible way. Hence, we offer an exam guarantee. If your child falls ill on the scheduled exam day, we'll find a solution so that you can take your exam.
Please contact the director of the relevant kindergarten as early as possible to arrange care for your sick child.
2. Priority for kindergarten placement
Everyone can apply for a place in Sammen's kindergartens, but children of students are given priority.
3. Priority for student family housing
We offer priority for family housing when you have a child in a Sammen kindergarten. And if you reside in student housing, you'll be given priority during childcare enrollment.
4. Free Rental of kindergarten facilities
As a student, space for gatherings and celebrations is often limited. We understand that and want to help by offering our kindergarten facilities for such purposes. Contact your kindergarten for information on how this is done in practice.
5. Flexible opening hours
Our kindergartens offer extended opening hours that generally accommodate most schedules. However, if there's ever a conflict between your lecture times and our operating hours, we're open to making adjustments. Please reach out to your respective kindergarten to discuss potential modifications.