The facade and outdoor area of Sammen Nerigard kindergarten.

Sammen Nerigard kindergarten

At Sammen Nerigard Kindergarten, nature is our closest neighbor, offering unique outdoor play and learning opportunities.
Our spacious grounds cover 3500 square meters, boasting green spaces, climbable trees, and a large playground with slides, swings, and bike paths. During the summer and autumn, we cultivate our fruits and vegetables. We introduce children to the wonders of nature, utilizing our traditional Grindabygg building and various outdoor cooking spots for food preparation, gatherings, and year-round outdoor bonding. Additionally, we have a beautiful wooded area right next to our center for exploration.
Conveniently located in Natland, the center is a short distance from Sammen's family homes. From Birkelundstoppen, it's roughly a 5-minute walk. For parents opting to drive, we offer designated parking spots for easy drop-offs and pickups.
The kindergarten is divided into four sections: Sol, Solstråle, Måne, and Månestråle. Designed on a single floor, the layout provides easy visibility and fosters collaboration and movement between sections and play areas. The youngest children enjoy dedicated bedrooms, with each child having their personal bed. These specialized bedrooms are located in our toddler sections.
Music and Movement
Music binds us together and serves as a foundation for language development and acquiring new languages. Through music, children share focus, forge relationships, and feel part of a larger whole. Singing and moving in sync instills a sense of unity. This mutual experience promotes feelings of security and recognition. Furthermore, it equips children with shared reference points, setting the stage for playful interactions. Consequently, music becomes crucial in forming friendships and establishing a sense of belonging.
At Sammen Nerigard, our emphasis is on facilitating positive encounters with compassionate, present, and inquisitive staff. We're invested in fostering relational skills among both children and adults. Trust and safety are paramount in assimilating new knowledge and embracing diversity. This approach lays a solid foundation for cultivating friendships.
Meals in the kindergarten
We serve healthy lunches with whole-grain bread, assorted toppings like egg, fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables. In the afternoon, they children receive a fruit meal complemented by crispbread. Those wishing to have breakfast at the kindergarten must bring their own, but we provide milk.
During our project periods, we whip up hot meals inspired by various traditions and cultures. Extra food is packed for our outings, especially when we're setting up a campfire. For birthdays, children can choose from smoothies, whole grain rolls, or whole grain pancakes.
Parents contribute 350 kr for meal expenses each month.


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Her finner du oss

Birkelundsbakken 54B, 5081 Bergen

Kontakt oss

Contact number: 55 28 19 80
Director: Linda Birkeland