Tips for moving out

Here are some tips and tricks that are good for you, the environment, and your wallet.
Moving can be an overwhelming task, but with some clever tricks, it can become easier, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly. Here are five tips for you who are moving out😊

Tip 1: Donate items to Gjenbruksfestivalen

From June 3, you can drop off reusable items that need a new home at all our student residences and at Studentsenteret (the Student Center) until the storage is full.
Gjenbruksfestivalen is an annual festival where we give away used furnitures, clothes and other reusable items to students. You then contribute to giving your items a new home by passing them on to a student who needs them🧡

Tip 2: Be creative on is Norway's largest online marketplace for buying and selling goods and services. With a little creativity, can be a useful tool in the moving out process. There are often free or cheap moving boxes that are necessary to take with you everything you own.
Eating up all the dry goods can be one of the most demanding challenges when moving🤪 Post an ad on about free food - there are often some who would like to have it. A tip is to put a box with all the food gathered outside the door and say that it is free to fetch food until it is empty.
Psst... Remember to tidy it back in before you go to bed or the rain comes🧡

Tip 3: The BiR Environmental Bus

As a student, you're not alone in being unsure about what to do with special waste. BiR's environmental bus parks around Bergen and accepts waste for recycling for a small fee. For example, it stands outside the Grieghallen on Tuesdays from 15.00 - 16.30♻

Tip 4: gives you an overview of where all you can think of should be thrown away, and you can find many useful tips and tricks for recycling. The web site is in Norwegian, but if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, it shows you how to translate the page using google translate.
Fun fact: Did you know that by handing in broken electronics, the minerals inside the electronics can be reused?🔌🔦 This helps to save both the environment and human lives, as the extraction of new minerals often involves dangerous working conditions and environmentally harmful processes.

Tip 5: Byttebua

Byttebua is a permanent swap market for all students in Bergen. They accept smaller furniture, items, and clothes that are still usable. It is centrally located in the city, right by the Grieghallen, and is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.00-18.00.
Good luck with your move!💚