Picture of the fasade of Sammenhytten cabin.

Sammenhytten Cabin

Located next to the Furedalen Ski Resort on Kvamskogen, the cabin is just an hour's drive from Bergen city center
Adresse: Furedalen 22, 5600 Nordheimsund


The cabin boasts 9 bedrooms, furnished with 33 single beds and one double bed. The larger bedrooms are complemented with lounge areas furnished with tables and chairs.There's a spacious communal kitchen and living room.Additional amenities include a veranda, loft, bathroom, toilet, and sauna.
Outside, there's parking for 4 cars. The cabin is also easily accessible via public transport.A quaint local store is just a short walk away.


For Students: Whole cabin weekend rental (Fri-Sun): 17.496 kr  Partial cabin weekend rental (Fri-Sun): 500 kr per student Partial cabin weekday rental (Wed): 250 kr per student
For Non-students (Students have priority): Whole cabin weekend rental (Fri-Sun): 52.500 kr Partial cabin weekend rental (Fri-Sun): 1.500 kr per person Partial cabin weekday rental (Wed): 750 kr per person

Important Information

  1. To rent the entire cabin, book all 9 rooms.
  2. If booking just one room, shared spaces will be occupied by other guests.
  3. Our booking tool displays available spaces per room. Select a room and date to view availability and pricing.
  4. Reservations open 90 days before arrival.

Usage Rules

The Sammen Cabin is open to all students. Excessive partying is prohibited. Individuals or groups will be held accountable for any damage or vandalism. Costs related to damages, emergency responses, and vandalism will be charged to the renting party.

Rental Agreement & Keys

The rental agreement must be signed on the day of departure at the Sammen Service Center reception at the Student Center, weekdays between 07.30 and 14.00.
The key to the cabin can only be collected the day prior to the departure day.
Living room
Furedalen skii resort